Giving back, furthering a vision, supporting a need, making a difference. For Ethos, it goes beyond writing a check. It is part of Ethos’ core and legacy.
While working with investors, the Ethos team looks for partnership opportunities to help selected charities fulfill their valuable mission through the use or donation of land. Charities that Ethos looks to support include those with the special vision of building awareness and appreciation of the outdoors, especially those that work with children.
Events held on The Preserve at RiverWest include:

Toughest Kids Nature Education and Fun Day 2019 with Miracle Hill Boys Cottage – October 5, 2019
The Preserve at RiverWest hosted the 501c3 charity Toughest Kids as they furthered their mission of bringing at-risk children closer to nature. The Miracle Hill boys group home consists of older boys who do not have a foster care placement, and who need positive life experiences as their futures’ take shape. The boys were treated to a day of nature walks, biking archery, knot-tying, soccer, and barbeque, courtesy of Toughest Kids.

Greenville Law Enforcement/Search and Rescue/Cadaver Training Day – July, 2017- Present
Since 2017, law enforcement and other Greenville County officials have utilized the forested, hilly terrain on the property for training and educational purposes. Specifically, in 2017, the County Coroner’s office cadaver dog training, and over the past two years the Sherriff’s office has conducted K9 search and rescue team training and officer/K9 training on property.

Society of International Business Fellows (SIBF) Community Fun Day – June 20, 2020
The Society of International Business Fellows Greenville chapter hosted a socially-distanced Family Fun Day at The Preserve at RiverWest to give their members a chance to enjoy nature, exercise and experience the uniqueness of the conservation land just minutes from downtown. Members chose trails of varying lengths and slope and staggered themselves to minimize close contact during COVID.

Upstate Ultra 6-12-24 Hour Race – September 18, 2020
South Carolina’s premier Race Organizer, Upstate Ultra, hosted “The Back 9”, an overnight race where 86 registered runners chose a 6, 12, or 24-hour length endurance run. Utilizing The Preserve at RiverWest’s winding paths, wooden bridges and scenic vistas, the race was both challenging and uniquely beautiful.

Momentum Bike Club – Ongoing
The Preserve at RiverWest is proud to be a home to the Greenville Momentum Bike Club, an organization that works with youth aged 10 to 18. Momentum uses cycling to exercise, model healthy relationships, teach leadership, compassion and enable personal growth. The Preserve at RiverWest created a dedicated 1.5 mile paved loop and access specifically for the Club’s regular use.

Nature Fun Day 2020 with Miracle Hill Families – September 27, 2020
The Preserve at RiverWest hosted the Second Annual Nature Fun Day with 501c3 charity Toughest Kids, and this time allowed foster families as a whole to experience the conservation property. These families continually look for positive experiences for the kids they foster, and on this day they enjoyed biking, nature walks, archery, crafts and barbeque, all courtesy of Toughest Kids.

Individual/Pubic Use of The Preserve at RiverWest
The property has been used and is available seven days a week for recreational use by the public in Greenville upon request. For example, one family with COVID concerns chose to utilize the paths on property to spend time outdoors with their handicapped daughter. Contact information is listed on property for any interested parties.