Greenville, SC Might Just be the Hottest City in America Right Now. Here’s Proof.

Think you know the South — BBQ, country music, pickup trucks? Nope. Put your assumptions on hold when you visit Greenville, South Carolina, because here you’ll find far more fun, food, and straight-up personality than those typical Southern staples imply. Once you visit, you’ll realize that, out of the dozens of “Greenvilles” around the country,…

Georgia Leads in Innovative Land Conservation

Considered by many as a founding father of wildlife ecology and land preservation, Aldo Leopold believed “conservation will ultimately boil down to rewarding the private landowner who conserves in the public interest.” The conservation movement he helped inspire is now debating the appropriateness of those rewards when the land is owned by a real-estate partnership. I labor on the front lines of this debate as the head…

Greenville Named Fourth Fastest-Growing U.S. City

Source: Greenville News (May 25, 2017) –  A new report released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau probably won’t shock many who’ve watched the fast-paced development and influx of jobs in Greenville within the past decade. The city of Greenville, according to the bureau’s latest population figures, is the fourth-fastest-growing city in the nation —…

Perspective: Cattle ranches are key to preserving Florida for all of us – Florida’s final frontier

By:  Jim Strickland, published in Tampa Bay Times (January 27, 2017)  – Beyond our beaches and theme parks lies a Florida still unknown to many — Florida’s ranchlands. Off the beaten track, these lands are our last frontier. I consider myself blessed to live and work as a rancher in this magical landscape we call…